Coupon details

Please either display this image for the restaurant or print the image and bring to the restaurant.

  • Premium all-you-can-drink menu including Japanese sake and fruit wine for 180 minutes for 2,200 yen

    • Presentation conditions
      Please order your food when making your reservation.
    • Conditions of use

      Seating is limited to 2 hours on Fridays, Saturdays, the day before public holidays, and long holidays.Other tickets and other benefits are not available, and each person must order one or more dishes.Guide person is not allowed.

    • Expiration date
      Until the end of April 2024

Courses which this coupon can be used for

Precautions concerning use

  • Coupon information will be updated. To use coupon, please save the image using a capture tool, print out the image and bring to restaurant.

2024/04/03 update